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In this year Henk starts a project to create structures around the American presidential elections. Often on the day before the elections, sometimes also the day after, he does his election work. If the work is done in advance, a 'predictive' structure is created, if it is done the day after, a structure is created as a registration of the result. Henk has been right in all predictive works so far, as it turns out a day later. In this 2000 election, Al Gore is running against George Busch. Even = Gore, odd = Bush. Henk stamps the name that is thrown from left to right. When he arrives at the bottom right, he counts the result. Exactly equal position. He decides on a second stamping round over the first result. Henk declares the places where two different names are stamped over each other to be invalid votes. Final result again exactly the same, as many votes for Gore as for Bush. ….After much fuss over the result in Florida, the Supreme Court of the United States has finally ruled and Bush is declared the winner of this election.

Henk used red for Gore, blue for Bush. In America, blue represents Democrats and red represents Republicans. From the 2008 elections, Henk corrects the use of color in his election works.