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In 2000 Henk started a project to create structures around the American presidential elections. Often on the day before the elections, sometimes also the day after, he does his election work. If the work is done in advance, a 'predictive' structure is created, if it is done the day after, a structure is created as a registration of the result. Henk has been right in all predictive works so far, as it turns out a day later. In the 2004 election, John Kerry ran against George Busch, who was running for a second term. Even = Kerry, odd = Bush. The name that is thrown is stamped by Henk working from left to right. Henk keeps track of the score during work. At the penultimate bottom right vote, Bush is ahead by one vote, 325 for Bush to 324 for Kerry. The last vote is therefore decisive whether it will be a tie or whether Bush will win in his election. This time Henk did not want to determine the result and he decides not to do the last roll, The Decisive Vote. Bush was victorious the next day.